The value of greater network cooperation for supervisory boards
Published on: 10-12-2024
The social challenges facing care and support are becoming increasingly complex. In many cases, an organisation can no longer solve these issues alone. Every care or welfare organisation is faced with an increasing need for cooperation between multiple parties. Cooperation with other parties is not only necessary to create value for people with often multiple care or support needs, it has become unavoidable. To ensure (regional) access to care and support, cross-domain cooperation is therefore no longer optional, but a prerequisite. This confronts every care and welfare organisation with new choices and new dilemmas.
To contribute to research, Vilans, Levinas Institute and Common Eye started the initiative 'A good conversation about network supervision'. Ten different organisations responded to a call to participate. The results of the sessions have been compiled in this publication, with references to existing literature. The aim is to inspire supervisory boards and boards of directors to start their own initiatives and to offer concrete tools on how to go about it.