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Last modified on: 07-05-2024

This page was last updated on 13-03-2024.

There are certain requirements for websites to make them easy to use for everyone. Vilans wants to comply with these requirements, known as digital accessibility requirements.

Government organizations must comply with these requirements for their websites and apps. This is stated in the 'Temporary Decree on Digital Accessibility for Government'. These requirements are described in the norm EN 301 549/WCAG 2.1 AA. An organization must provide a statement explaining that they adhere to these requirements. This is called a digital accessibility statement.

Accessibility Statements

Vilans publishes accessibility statements for its websites in the 'Register of Accessibility Statements'. The statements for the following websites have been published:

Accessibility with the right design

Vilans is working on a new, central online platform for all its websites and apps. Accessibility is part of the building and designing process from the start. We are gradually migrating our websites to this new platform. View the overview of our websites (in Dutch).

Measures to improve accessibility

Vilans is taking the following measures to improve compliance with the requirements:

  • Applying accessibility requirements is an integral part of how we work. This includes web editing, website management, and further development of the websites.
  • Our editors have undergone training on accessibility. They also have the right knowledge and skills to apply the requirements effectively.
  • We have parts of our websites examined for accessibility by independent experts. We devise solutions that help now and in the future for what is not working well.
  • At fixed intervals, we check our websites for accessibility using the Silktide tool.

Report accessibility issues

Not all documents meet the accessibility requirements yet. For example, PDF files and videos. Do you have any questions or comments? Or do you want to use something from our website that is not yet accessible? Please contact us. We will look for a suitable solution.