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Special Interest Group Values and Principles of Integrated Care

Last modified on: 23-04-2024

Vilans and the International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC) have initiated an international Special Interest Group with the aim of developing a workable set of underlying principles or values for person-centered integrated care.

Person-centered care

The Special Interest Group (SIG) consists of researchers, policy makers, practitioners and client representatives from multiple countries. Principles and values are important, because they can be the basis to guide integrated care improvement and policy and they can underpin interventions or (measurement) frameworks to evaluate integrated person-centered care.


Person-centered and integrated health services are being developed and implemented worldwide in many countries and locations. However, the development and implementation of integrated care is complex and the concepts of person-centered and integrated care are multidimensional. In practice there is a range of care models, interventions and a diversity of appearances in which integrated care is presented. Despite this diversity, the underlying principles or values of person centered integrated care seem to be more or less generic.

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