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Workshop ‘Responsible Innovation in the Active and Assisted Living Domain’

The Responsible Innovation (RI) approach aims to transform R&D into being more anticipatory, inclusive, reflective and responsive towards the social desirability, ethical acceptability and sustainability of innovations. Despite success of the RI discourse in academic and policy fields, research indicates that digital care innovators’ awareness about ethical implications and ways to address them is limited.




Free admission

About the workshop

In this workshop, participants are facilitated to reflect on opportunities to address RI within their own R&D activities in the area of AAL. We challenge participants to think about RI as an integral part of R&D tasks such as co-design, technical development, field testing and commercialization of AAL technologies. Also, we deliberate on barriers that may complicate this process, and how these barriers can be addressed in the future by R&D teams, funders and other stakeholders.

Insights from research

In this workshop, we draw on insights about responsible innovation gained through participatory action research (PAR) in the previous AAL project ‘GUARDIAN’ (2020-2023). In this project, a socially assistive robot was developed to support ageing in place.

For whom?

This workshop is relevant for project coordinators, engineers, co-design specialists, care organizations, etc. In addition, this workshop is also relevant for R&D funding bodies and national contact points.

Live meeting in Dutch

You can also subscribe to the live workshop (in Dutch) which will take place at the Vilans office in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

  • Thursday 23 September 2024 van 9.30 -11.30 CET | live 

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