Sanne van der Weegen
“Go for it! But do it together.”
I am committed to making technology in healthcare accessible by letting care providers see and experience the possibilities of technology and helping them to use it to improve the quality of life for their clients.
Senior Researcher
From eHealth to Health: Every day, healthcare professionals are committed to providing the best possible support to their clients. The thought of technology fills many with dread, as they see it as something complicated – for young people or ‘nerds’. Yet technological developments have made our lives so much easier and there are many opportunities to improve the lives of people receiving care or to enlarge their world.
- PhD in 2015 on the development and evaluation of an eHealth intervention in close cooperation with patients and caregivers. Thesis: Get moving! Self-management support using mobile technology.
- Experience in involving end users in technology development.
- Implementation toolkit technology developed.
- Nominated for the EHMA Karolinska Award for best dissertation.