Lian Stouthard
“To enable people to live at home longer, we must also create healthy neighbourhoods”
Everyone prefers to live in their own environment for as long as possible and feel at home. This not only applies to you and me, but also to people who require care and support.
As a researcher at Vilans, I study what can be done in a municipality, district or neighbourhood to allow everyone to live at home in a pleasant and safe environment for as long as possible. I focus on the resident themselves, such as the elderly and families with complex support questions, but also on the (policy-based) design and implementation of care and support by municipalities and care organisations.
Integral care and cross-domain collaboration are keywords here. The questions that are central to this for me are how can we organise neighbourhoods in such a way that residents remain healthy and vital for longer? How does the collaboration between the medical and social domain work to support residents? And how we, as a knowledge institute, can contribute to integrated care and a healthy living environment?
- Background in Social Sciences, graduated as a policy researcher.
- Developed various educational programs in the field of care innovation and cooperation in the neighbourhood.
- Experience of working in an international context.
- Involved in the programme, ‘Integrated Working in the Neighbourhood’ since 2017.